
The Value is in The Location

7th Ave & Maryland Ave Is The Preferred Location

Why does this location command higher value, because of Convenience, approximately Fifteen minutes to to the Center of Downtown and Diamondback Baseball and Sports. Easy access to the best fine dining in Maricopa County and close to the Great Shopping is nearby in Christown and it’s easy to get to the Scottsdale Shopping too. See and Download Phoenix Light Rail Map Below! “It's much better to own the most modest home in an expensive neighborhood than the most expensive one in a modest neighborhood, in terms of value appreciation.” Bankrate.com $$$$$ This zip code has homes listed up to $975,000 and Townhomes for Sale nearby that exceed $270,000! Buying a home in a higher priced area is the smart move . Your appreciation has better potential and offers you greater marketing opportunities when you decide to move up. The median home value in 85013 is $204,300. 85013 home values have gone up 16.6% over the past year and Zillow predicts they will rise 2.8% within the next year. The median list price per square foot in 85013 is $153, which is higher than the Phoenix average of $123. The median price of homes currently listed in 85013 is $219,000 while the median price of homes that sold is $203,900. (Source: Zillow.com)
Michael’s Cafe On 7th Ave
Christown & Costco
In the Center of Things
Diamondback Baseball
Encanto Park
Phoenix Light Rail Map Download Light Rail Map
Vincent’s Market Bistro
Great Dining
FEZ Midtown
Ticoz Resto Bar
Phoenix Convention Center
Phoenix Art Musem
Caliber Companies 16074 N. 78th St. Ste 104, Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 Phone 480-295-7600 Office Fax 866-256-8610
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New Listing by Brenda Hanyzewski