
The Value is in the Schools

A Schools Reputation Increases A Home’s Value

Maryland Elementary School Receives A 5 Star Rating for Teacher Quality Maryland School services pre-kindergarten through eighth grade students. Located in the heart of central Phoenix, while renovations and remodels have ensured students benefit from the technological innovations of the 21st century, the school maintains its historic charm. Classrooms are large to accommodate varied groupings and activities, and nearly every classroom enjoys the benefits of large windows and natural sunlight, which research has shown increases achievement. All classrooms use SMART Board technology and students have access to three computer labs for their learning. Maryland boasts a long-standing relationship with the community, and several staff members were former Maryland students themselves!
Maryland School (K-8) 6503 N. 21st Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85015 602-347-2300 Rebeccah Potavin, Principal
These are the details that define “Real Value”
Washington High School 2217 W. Glendale Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85021 Phone: 623-915-8400 Fax: 623-915-8437 Attendance: 623-915-8442
Caliber Companies 16074 N. 78th St. Ste 104, Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 Phone 480-295-7600 Office Fax 866-256-8610
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The school ratings are from the website : www.greatschools.org, Please visit their website for more detailed information. Community ratings and reviews do not represent the views of GreatSchools nor does GreatSchools check their accuracy or verify the reviewers' identities. Use your discretion when evaluating these reviews. It is recommended that your personally visit all the schools that may be involved with your childs education.
Only 1.3 Miles Away
Parents and Children’s Reviews
Washington High School was established as part of the Glendale Union High School District in 1955. Along with being ranked among the best high schools in the nation by U.S. News & World Report and Newsweek, Washington is a part of the College Board’s 2013 National Advanced Placement District of the Year. In addition, Washington is rated an “A” school by the Arizona Department of Education. Along with its educational excellence, Washington boasts dozens of opportunities for students to be involved in the community. The Washington High School Interact Club is one of the largest and most active in the country, committing to at least two community service projects a week. Washington High School is located in Phoenix, off 23rd Avenue and Glendale Avenue.
New Listing by Brenda Hanyzewski